Worldwide - short distances, great support

In order to serve all customers perfectly InnoLas Laser has highly specialized technology partners around the world. They are ready to handle all requests, provide service and will be your main contact in your own country.
Czech Republic - MIT s.r.o.
address: MIT s.r.o., Klanova 56, 147 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
phone: +420 241 712 548
France - Optoprim SAS
address: Optoprim SAS, 21/23, rue Aristide Briand, 92170 VANVES, France
phone: +33 (1) 4190 6180
fax: +33 (1) 4190 6189
InnoLas UK Ltd
address: InnoLas UK Ltd, 20 Butlers Leap, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RQ, UK
phone: +44 1788 550777
fax: +44 1788 550888
Israel - IL Photonics BSD Ltd.
address: IL Photonics BSD Ltd., 511 Hashita, Beit Shemesh 9955256, Israel.
phone: +972- 2-9923532
fax: +972-2-9921480
Poland - Spectropol
address: Spectropol, ul. Trakt Lubelski 271 G, 04-667 Warszawa, Poland
phone: +48 (22) 617-67-17
fax: +48 (22) 617-67-97
Spain - Innova Scientific
address: Innova Scientific, C/ Encinar, 4. C.P. Las Rozas, 28290 Madrid, Spanien
phone: +34 91 710 56 50
fax: +34 91 710 56 51
China - Pulsepower Technology
address: Pulsepower Technology Ltd., Rm1-104, 84-8 Zhongguancundong Rd., Haidian District, Beijing, 100190, P.R.China
phone: +86 (10) 6256 5117
fax: +86 (10) 6256 5117-803

India - Aimil Ltd.
address: Aimil Ltd., BSEL Tech Park, B wing, 11th floor, Sector 30 A Opp Vashi Railway Station, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400705 Maharashtra
phone: +91 11 6131 0200
Japan - AkiTech LEO Inc.
address: AkiTech LEO Inc., Suzuki Bldg. 302, 2-11-18 Nishiki-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo, 190-0022, Japan
phone: +81 (42) 505-6042
fax: +81 (42) 505-6074

Korea - Wooyang Photonics
address: Wooyang Photonics Co. Ltd. Leaders Bldg, 13th Floor, 1599-11 Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Ku Seoul 137-070 Korea
phone: +82 (2) 525 3816 9
fax: +82 (2) 586 6721
Singapore - JD Union
address: JD Union Pte Ltd., 8 Boon Lay Way, #07-06, Tradehub 21, Singapore 609964
phone: (65) 6515 6606
fax: (65) 6491 6507
Taiwan - ALASER Co., Ltd.
address: ALASER Company, Ltd., 6F., No. 17, Qiaohe Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C)
phone: 886-2-2377-3118
fax: 886-2-2377-3119

USA - InnoLas Laser Inc.
address: InnoLas Laser Inc., 9 Trinity Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089, USA
phone: +1 (413) 562-4040
fax: +1 (413) 562-6167
Brazil - PHOTONICS Comercio e Importacao Ltda.
address: PHOTONICS Comercio e Importacao Ltda., Avenida Antonio Manograsso, 132, 03379-000 Sao Paulo, Brazil
phone: +55 11 2839-3209
Australia - Kenelec Scientific Pty Ltd
address: Kenelec Scientific Pty Ltd, 23 Redland Drive, Mitcham VIC 3132, Australia
phone: +61 3 9873 1022
fax: +61 3 9873 0200